Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary Academy



Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at The Trentside Federation

We believe that Christianity is central to our life within the Trentside Federation.  Hence, our shared ethos is based upon the Christian values of love, joy and trust from which other values emerge, such as reconciliation, justice, respect and forgiveness.  Opportunities are provided for all our children to experience the presence of God through both polices and practice that inform daily life in our school communities and beyond. 


The Trentside Federation provides a broad and balanced Curriculum for all children.  All teaching staff are aware that quality, first hand teaching and learning is key to ensuring that children are able to reach their potential and have their individual needs met.  We are also aware that there are a minority of children who have particular learning requirements that could create barriers to their learning.  In line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, September 2014, these children are offered individually targeted SEND support to enable them to participate effectively in curriculum and assessment activities. 


The involvement of children, and families is at the heart of the SEND reforms and at the Trentside Federation we consider this to be invaluable.  With the child at the heart, we monitor closely and review regularly the progress of these children (with teachers, parents and the children themselves) to ensure that they receive the best possible support and opportunities.  We are able to access specialist support from the Local Authority and the Health Authority as required as well as training on specific programmes and interventions. 


If you have any questions or concerns about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at the Trentside Federation, please do contact us.


For more information about the Local Authority and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities click on the link provided.

North Lincolnshire Local Offer: What North Lincolnshire Council provides to meet the needs of 0-25 year olds with SEND -  http://www.localoffer.northlincs.gov.uk/



Useful Websites


Click here to view The Trentside Federation SEND Policy

Click here to view St Martin's CE Primary Academy Information Report for Special Educational Needs

Click here to see a copy of our accessibility policy

Click here to see a copy of our accessibility plan checklist

SEND Code of Practice


SEND Jargon Buster

Pupil Voice