Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary Academy


Message from our Vicar

St. Martin’s Church in Owston Ferry is represented in all village organisations, and we always lend a helping hand at every local event. We view this a very important part of our outreach. The Church building is open in summertime for people to visit. The aim of the Church family is to be approachable, inclusive and to offer hospitality.

Regular services are held each Sunday at 9.15 a.m. as well as other occasional Sunday services at 3 p.m., including Café Church. At Christmas a Christingle service is held in church, attended by a large number of children and their parents. There is also a carol service as well as a crib service on Christmas Eve.

We are eager to support the children and young people in our village, always seeking new ways to extend our outreach. We are well represented in our local school through the governing body and voluntary teaching as well as through collective worship, Messy Church and fund-raising activities.

We warmly invite you to come and join us and find out more about our journey and the Christian way of life in today’s world. There is a lot going on – and there really is something for everyone. We welcome all, young and not so young, and at all stages of faith (including ‘not so sure’). 

For all enquiries, please give me a call or drop me an email:

01427 753004



My website can be found at www.haxeyowstonferryvicar.org

The Vicar: Rev. Mark Zammit